Proud sponsor
of #gopafree
at Volos Port

Istion Yachting is a proud sponsor and supporter of #gopafree Cigarette Waste Recycling program officially started at Volos port!
August 13th, 2021

The Volos Port Αuthority is the first ever port in Greece pioneering in the corporate social responsibility industry by cooperating with NGO Cigaret Cycle and actively taking part in the all-inspiring #gopafree recycling cigarette waste program. Main sponsor and active supporter of this local cooperation is Istion Yachting ltd, the first ever yachting related business in Greece with actual results and proven track record in the corporate social responsibility industry.

The #gopafree program consists of strategically placed cigarette waste bins in 5 given locations within the accessible area of the port. Additionally, #gopafree recycle bins were placed at the entire parking zone, cruise passengers and staff-accessible zones, at the surrounding location of the the University of Thessaly, right at the Heroes Tribute, as well as at the church of St Konstantinos.


Cigaret Cycle CEO and co-founder Giorgos Sakellariou stated that:

«The idea of recycling cigarette butts is a continuous effort we are all trying to accomplish in a daily basis all over Greece. Today we are proud and happy to officially start this program in the port of Volos, an area of high importance in terms of tourist and commercial activity. This would not have been possible without the help of Istion Yachting who powers #gopafree, invited us to the port of Volos and supports our recycling campaign by ensuring their entire fleet is #gopafree ready and well equipped as well as raising awareness to other ports of interest. We really wish for this program to expand in Thessaly as well as the entirety of Magnisia. We hereby invite municipalities and citizens to support this program with their actions as cigarette waste is affecting everyone and poses an increasing threat to the environment».


Istion Yachting representative and Volos charter base manager Paris Zikos commented the following:

«Istion Yachting as a leading force in the yachting industry couldn't overlook such a serious and responsible action towards the preservation of our environment. We are extremely happy and proud that the port of Volos is the official starting ground of the #gopafree program and we guarantee that we will support this cause and expand its reach to other ports of interest as well as to the rest of our charter bases across Greece».

Volos port authority's head of board of directors Vicky Mitrou asserted the beneficial elements of #gopafree to our environment while the CEO Sokratis Anagnostou stated:

«Through the implementation of recycling programs and through encouraging solid partnerships and ventures such as the one with Gigarette Cycle, we as Volos port of authority management officials aim to improve our overall quality of life by a small yet significant contribution in the bigger picture of preserving our marine and terrestrial ecosystem».
